Retaining our staff is a critical component of driving customer satisfaction and lowering costs. Employee churn is a huge financial and labor load on any organization. We also recognize that it may take months for new employees to be fully confident in their roles.
When do high attrition rates become a problem?
High attrition rates can be a major problem for businesses when they start to impact productivity and customer satisfaction. Employee churn can be expensive and time-consuming to replace, so it's important to take steps to retain your staff as much as possible.
If your business is starting to experience high attrition rates, it's important to take steps to address the issue as soon as possible. This includes looking at the factors that may be contributing to the problem and taking action to improve retention rates. Some common signs that there may be a problem include a decrease in productivity or customer satisfaction levels, as well as an increase in the number of employees leaving the company.
Here are some key tips for retention:
Recognize that everyone is on their own path and avoid making “one size fits all” decisions and program
Be PERSONAL, take the time to know your team and their personal goals and passions
Be PROACTIVE, reach out to them in a caring way about how they are feeling and what is impacting that emotional state
Be DIGITAL, use the tools that they use in their daily lives.